NCR urges EU to reject "critical dialogue," institute sanctions on mullahs

The National Council of Resistance of Iran considers the policy of "critical dialogue" with the mullahs' religious, terrorist dictatorship contrary to the highest interests of the Iranian people and detrimental to regional and international peace and security. The Council welcomes the positions of the leaders in the United States, the Netherlands and Israel in condemning this policy.

In an interview with France 2 television last night, Israeli Prime Minister Shimon Peres called on European Union countries to "stop flirting with the Iranians. This flirt is called 'critical dialogue.'" He added: "(Iran) is in my view more dangerous than Nazism, because Hitler did not possess a nuclear bomb, whereas the Iranians are trying to perfect a nuclear option."

The U.S. Secretary of State Warren Christopher also criticized "critical dialogue," charging that some European countries "have been having closer relations with Iran than we think they should."

The Dutch Foreign Minister, Mr. Van Mierlo lashed out at this policy, underscoring the need for the "European countries to reconsider their relations with Iran which supports terrorist, suicide operations..." Critical dialogue between Iran and Europe has not borne any fruit because Iran does not listen to anybody," he said.

The NCR urges the European Union to reject "critical dialogue," which has so far only emboldened the sinister mullahs to continue their domestic suppression and export of terrorism and fundamentalism. It also calls on the European Union to adopt a decisive policy and join the trade embargo against the religious fascism ruling Iran.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran - Paris March 8, 1996

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