The End of a Ridiculous Show

By issuing prison sentences for the three women accused of murdering three Christian leaders in Iran, the mullahs' revolutionary court finally put an end to its ridiculous showcase trial.

The distribution or reading of the Mojahedin's literature, or any form of showing support for them is punished with death, and the mullahs' religious terrorist dictatorship has so far sent before the firing squads tens of thousands of people on such charges. They included girls under 18 years of age as well as pregnant women. Issuing prison terms for the three women who the regime alleges are affiliated with the Mojahedin and accused of murder and bombing in holy shrines, therefore, is in itself revealing of the fabricated nature of this case from day one, something that the Iranian Resistance has reiterated time and again in the past 15 months.

Mr. Massoud Rajavi, the President of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, made a comment in this regard: Now that many international bodies have held the Khomeini regime accountable as the perpetrator of the criminal assassination of the Iranian Christian leaders, and the mullahs' stage making and orchestrated proceedings have backfired, they have found their only solution in putting an end to this ridiculous showcase.

While calling on the world community to condemn the regime's crimes against Iran's religious minorities, Mr. Rajavi reiterated his call of July 20, 1994, to His Reverend the Pope, wherein he requested that the Pope demand delivery of the three women to the Vatican officials so that they could be questioned in the presence of a jury, international attorneys and criminologists as well as representatives of the Iranian Resistance, so that the true secret behind this crime is revealed and the conspiracies of the mullahs uncovered.

It should be noted again that in addition to the Special Representative of the UN Human Rights Commission and the UN Sub-Commission for the Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Religious Minorities, the British Parliamentary Human Rights Group as well as the Jubilee Campaign, Middle East Concern, other Christian sources and impartial observers have all underscored the role of Iran's ruling mullahs in the murder of the three dissident Christian leaders, rendering the Khomeini regime's courts as "unqualified" to examine this case.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran - Paris October 4, 1995

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