Mr. Massoud Rajavi, the President of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, applauded the courageous initiative by the parliamentary Foreign Affairs Committee and described it as indicating the vigilant conscience of the people of Belgium towards the crimes of the Khomeini regime. On this occasion, he called on the European Union to end its policy of critical dialogue with the mullahs' religious, terrorist dictatorship which only emboldens the regime in its internal suppression and export of terrorism.
Indignant by the terrorist efforts attempted "to pierce the ship of the Near East peace process," convinced that such acts of terrorism are carried out "with the material and financial support and encouragement of various countries, foremost among whom is Iran," noting that "the sabotage of the Near East's peace process constitutes the ultimate objective of the Iranian foreign policy in the region," and considering that "the efforts of the Iranian government to acquire weapons of mass destruction and support international terrorism compose a serious menace to security," the Foreign Affairs Committee called on the government of Belgium "to take up any preparation necessary to impose embargo... on exports of certain goods to Iran, including the technology and know-how which allows this country to increase or improve its capacities in extracting, refining, storing, transforming and transporting oil products," "to withdraw any new financial aid which could facilitate economic transactions" with the Khomeini regime, and "to not grant new credits to or reschedule loans of" the Iranian regime.
The sponsors of the resolution wrote in an introduction: "The time has come for a revision of the critical dialogue between the European Union and Tehran. The please-be-reasonable-strategy adopted toward the Iranian regime has obviously failed. If the strategy of dialogue is to have any effect, Europe must increase the pressure on this regime, and this pressure must preferably be chosen in such a way to strike where Iran acquires its main sources of income, namely through the export of oil and gas, the life blood of that country."
Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran - Paris
12, 1996