Operation Tehran Uprising - Statement No. 4
- Terrified by Operation Tehran Uprising, mullahs churn out lies
- Names of wounded bodyguards of Khamenei revealed

Some 20 hours after the mortar attack on Ali Khamenei's headquarters and Hashemi Rafsanjani's office, the state television reported in its midday news bulletin: "The blasts last night in Tehran's Vali-e Asr and Jami streets wounded several local residents returning home from work and martyred a print shop worker. Out of the six explosions last night, four occurred in the headquarters of the State Exigency Council [east of Khamenei's headquarters], one occurred in the Friday prayers headquarters [north of Khamenei's HQ] and one in the print shop [south of Khamenei's HQ]."

Thus 20 hours after the Mojahedin reported the mortar attack on the headquarters of Khamenei and Rafsanjani in their statements and foreign journalists and observers in Tehran confirmed these reports, the mullahs admit that "four explosions occurred in the headquarters of the State Expediency Council," which is Rafsanjani's office. Previously, in scores of radio and television reports, the regime had claimed that the Mojahedin have resorted to indiscriminate explosions in the streets!

According to the state television report this afternoon, three flanks of Khamenei's headquarters were hit by mortars in a 100-m radius. Technically speaking, this is a clear admission to the fact that most of the mortars must have fallen on Khamenei's headquarters, which is at the center of these three locations. But the clerical rulers are so terrified by the mortar attack on Khamenei's headquarters that despite the disgrace, it has preferred to remain silent in this regard.

A number of Revolutionary Guards who are among Khamenei's bodyguards, including Abbas Aqa Zamani and Morad-Ali Salafi, were wounded.

While the regime claims on the one hand that all the explosions were at the State Expediency building, the Friday prayers headquarters and a print shop, it makes the preposterous claim at the same time that "several local residents returning home from work" were wounded. How could explosions inside these buildings injure people walking in streets that are quite a distance away from the buildings. Only mullahs, the masters of deception and demagoguery, can make such completely contradictory statements!

The fact is that no ordinary citizen and no civilian and no civilian center was hit or damaged in Operation Tehran Uprising. All the wounded were Khamenei's bodyguards.

The clerical regime is too frightened to acknowledge the mortar attack on Khamenei's headquarters, and continues to refer to "blasts" in its nation-wide news bulletins, while it has admitted in its local radio broadcasts that "a few mortars were fired at the State Expediency Council building." (state-run Kurdish radio broadcast, February 6, 2000)

The clerical regime's contradictory and confused accounts of the mortar attacks in Tehran last night clearly show that the regime is in a state of disarray after the crushing blows it received from the Iranian Resistance last night and today.

People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran
February 6, 2000

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