Guards Corps Command HQ, Guards' Sarollah and Nabi-e Akram barracks and Rahim Safavi's office, hit by mortars

Mojahedin's Command in Iran reported that the office of Major General Rahim Safavi, the Commander in Chief of the Revolutionary Guards Corps and the Guards Corps Command HQ and the Guards' Sarollah and Nabi-e Akram Garrisons, north of Vanak Square in Tehran, came under a barrage of mortars by Mojahedin units in Tehran today.

Following the Mojahedin's attack on the Guards Corps' Command HQ in 1998, the HQ was moved to its current location to avoid further assaults by the Mojahedin. Today, the Mojahedin again attacked the compound.

A number of Revolutionary Guards were wounded in the attack. Contrary to the claims by the mullahs' regime, there were no civilian casualties since the area is off-limits to civilians and only commanders and officers of the Revolutionary Guards Corps work in the compound.

People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran
March 13, 2000

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