The following statement was issued today by the Office of the People's Mojahedin of Iran-Baghdad. It is being released for your information.
Press Office of the People's Mojahedin of Iran - Paris
August 22, 1996

Mr. Rajavi: The clerical regime's covetous designs on Iraqi Kurdistan must be foiled

Subsequent to the clerical regime's shelling of the people of Iraqi Kurdistan, the peshmargas of the Democratic Party of Iraqi Kurdistan and the call by that Party's polit-bureau, Mr. Massoud Rajavi, the Leader of the Iranian Resistance, strongly condemned the mullahs' savage aggression, describing it as a blatant violation of international resolutions and regulations.

Recalling that the Guards Corps' heavy shelling has left about 100 people dead or wounded until Wednesday, Mr. Rajavi called on the international community and the United Nations Security Council to immediately and decisively respond to these attacks.

He stressed that in the face of the Resistance's advances and uprisings by the Iranian people, the mullahs' regime has had no option but to resort to greater suppression, export of terrorism and belligerent assaults.

In a statement on Wednesday, the Kurdistan Democratic Party of Iraq appealed for help in the face of belligerent attacks by the mullahs' regime. It described the clerical regime's heavy artillery shelling and Katyusha barrages on Iraqi Kurdistan as a declaration of war by the Iranian regime against the people of Iraqi Kurdistan.

In another development, in a meeting yesterday in Baghdad between Mr. Rajavi and the Secretary General, Deputy Secretary General and a number of polit-bureau and central committee members of the Kurdistan Democratic Party of Iran-Revolutionary Leadership, the Leader of the Iranian Resistance stressed that the Iranian Resistance and the National Liberation Army of Iran are standing by Iranian Kurds and the Iranian Kurdistan's Resistance movement within the framework of the struggle to overthrow the mullahs' regime and establish democracy and realize the right of the people of Iranian Kurdistan to autonomy.

Mr. Rajavi said: The Iranian Resistance believes that the covetous designs of the criminal mullahs, their Guards Corps and agents must be foiled in the territory of Iraqi Kurdistan, which they have used as a staging ground for launching savage attacks against Iranian Kurds.

The Commander in Chief of the National Liberation Army of Iran also emphasized that the Iranian Resistance and the National Liberation Army of Iran reserve the right the self-defense against a regime that was condemned on Monday for the 38th time by the United Nations for exporting terrorism, violating human rights and launching missile attacks against the bases of the Iranian Resistance.

On behalf of the Party's Polit-bureau, Mr. Hassan Rastegar, the Secretary General of the Kurdistan Democratic Party of Iran-Revolutionary Leadership, extended his gratitude for the expression of solidarity and support by the National Council of Resistance of Iran and the People's Mojahedin Organization. He also pointed out the particular emphasis in the recent session of the Party's leadership on maintaining the Party's ties with the Mojahedin and the NCR. He stressed that the clerical regime's unbridled interferences and terrorism against Iranian Kurds in Iraqi Kurdistan has intensified public disdain toward this regime and added to the resolve of Iranian Kurdish forces in their confrontation with the mullahs.

Both sides called on all combatant Iranian Kurdish currents and forces to further cooperate and work toward greater unity of action against the religious, terrorist dictatorship ruling Iran.

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