The following statement was issued today by the Command Headquarters of the Mojahedin inside Iran.
Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran - Paris
January 7, 1997

Statement of Mojahedin's Command HQ inside Iran

For the fourth consecutive day, the mullahs' religious, terrorist dictatorship claimed last night to have murdered and arrested a number of the Mojahedin in western Iran. The state-run radio announced the deaths "in a clash" of two Mojahedin members who " had been dispatched from Ashraf camp" and claimed that guns, bombs, and "maps of places planted with bombs" had been discovered from them.

A few hours before the above news, the regime's official news agency quoted officials of Kermanshah province as saying that three persons who intended to cross the border and join the Mojahedin "were killed on a mine near the Iraqi border." The regime's n ews agency added that "the three individuals, including a woman, had been seen by the Iranian forces in Kermanshah province and subsequently pursued."

As it was pointed out in the statement of the Command HQ yesterday, it now becomes clear that "in addition to preparing the grounds for terrorist attacks and military operations against National Liberation Army bases," the daily stories fabricated by the mullahs' Intelligence Ministry and the regime's preposterous claims "are aimed at putting up a hollow show of force to boost the morale of the regime's demoralized forces."

Faced with the new phase of the Resistance and the escalated activities of the Mojahedin forces and sympathizers in Iran, the crisis-riddled and faltering regime of the mullahs is hastily disseminating bogus news and false propaganda in a bid to gain back its lost balance. The activities of the Resistance forces inside Iran will nevertheless continue and expand throughout the country until the overthrow of the mullahs' regime by the National Liberation Army.

The People's Mojahedin of Iran hereby draw the attention of relevant international authorities to the conspiracies and aggressive intentions of the mullahs, as well as to the extensive arrests and suppression launched especially in the western regions of Iran.

Mojahedin's Command Headquarters inside Iran
January 7, 1997 (18 Day 1375)

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