Mullahs' regime paves way for military attack on NLA bases

The clerical regime's Intelligence Ministry announced that a member of the Mojahedin "carrying a full load of weapons was arrested with the help of the public" as "he was returning to his terrorist base in Iraq."

This claim is intended to prepare the grounds for military attacks against the bases of the Iranian Resistance in Iraqi territory. The bases of Mojahedin's operational units are located in Iran and their operations are undertaken with the help of the Iranian people.

It seems that in the wake of the great euphoria that the punishment of the clerical regime's Adolph Eichmann aroused among 70 million Iranians, the ruling mullahs find themselves in dire need of daily arrests and a pretext to link Mojahedin's operations inside Iran with Iraq.

It is worthy of note that until yesterday, the mullahs were claiming in their propaganda that the Mojahedin had used Afghanistan as the springboard for launching this operation.

People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran
August 27, 1998

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