Stoning to Death in Iran:
A Crime Against Humanity
Carried Out By the Mullahs' Regime 

Draft common text on the human rights situation in Iran

The European Parliament,

- having regard to its previous resolutions on Iran,

A. Whereas human rights continue to be seriously violated in Iran, including a large number of executions, stoning, torture and persecution of religious and ethnic minorities, (ELDR A mod.)

B. Whereas Morteza Firouzi, editor of Iran News, was sentenced to death in January on charges of espionage, (ELDR B mod.)

C. Whereas Helmut Hofer from Germany, in an initial court verdict, has been sentenced to death in Iran, allegedly for having sexual relations with an Iranian woman, Vahide Ghessemi, and whereas she reportedly was sentenced to 99 lashes law, (ELDR C, GREEN B mod.)

D. Whereas nine years after it was imposed, the fatwa against Salman Rushdie still exposes the citizen of a Member State to the threat of murder by Iranian agents or by Iranian agents or by religious fanatics, in violation of the most elementary principles of international law; (ELDR

E. Noting the resolution by the 52st session of the United Nations General Assembly in December, condemning the continuing violations of human rights in Iran by the Iranian regime, including "the large and increasing number of executions," "torture and inhuman punishment," "stoning, amputation and the failure to meet international standards in the administration of justice

1. Condemns the repeated human rights violations in Iran and calls on the Iranian regime to comply with international human rights standards, (ELDR 1)

2. Calls on the authorities to immediately adopt a moratorium on executions, and to abolish the death penalty, (ELDR 2)

3. Calls for the immediate liberation of Helmut Hofer and asks for clarification of the destiny of Vahide Ghessemi; (GREEN 3)

4. Calls on the Iranian authorities to urgently clarify the charges against Morteza Firouzi, and to immediately release him if the charges against him cannot be substantiated; (GREEN 4 mod.)

5. Deplores the fact that the Iranian Foreign Minister officially has confirmed "the validity of the historical fatwa" on Mr Rushdie and that proposals for an increase reward for his death has been made, and strongly urges the Iranian government to reconsider the question and to make a written declaration that it will not carry out the fatwa and will seek to restrain Iranian citizens from trying to do so, (ELDR 4)

6. Notes that the editor Faraj Sarkouhi was released after a year's unjust imprisonment, and calls on the Iranian authorities to fully restore his citizens' rights, (ELDR 3)

7. Asks the Council and the Member States, in the absence of positive steps by Tehran, to elaborate ways and means to bring increased and progressively stronger pressure to bear upon the authorities in Tehran, (PSE 4)

8. Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council, the Commission and to the Iranian government.

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