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Where do International Organizations and Politicians stand:
Stoning to Death in Iran:
A Crime Against Humanity
Carried Out By the Mullahs' Regime
Some items form the Penal Code of the mullahs' regime:
The penalty for adultery under Article 83 of the penal
code, called the Law of Hodoud is flogging (100
lashes of the whip) for unmarried male and female offenders. Married offenders
may be punished by stoning regardless of their gender, but the method laid
down for a man involves his burial up to his waist, and for a woman up
to her neck (article 102)
Article 104 of the Law of Hodoud provides
that the stones should not be so large that a person dies after being hit
with two of them, nor so small as to be defined as pebbles, but must cause
severe injury. This makes it clear that the purpose of stoning is to inflict
grievous pain on the victim, in a process leading to his or her slow death.
The Iranian regime carries out stoning
in the name of Islam. This is done in order to intimidate and terrorize
the public. Since taking office, not once has Mohammad Khatami uttered
a word against stoning. In fact, his government spokesman and Guidance
Minister, Ata'ollah Mohajeri, said in a recent interview that he approves
of stoning, but that it should be carried out in the presence of a small
group of people whose loyalty to the regime is established so as to prevent
the news or films of the horrific scene from being made available to the
Iranian public and an international audience.It must be mentioned that,
as it was declared
by Mr. Massoud Rajavi,
President of the National
Council of Resistance on the occasion of Eid-al Fitr (January 29, 1998):
Stoning is not an Islamic punishment and the Quran makes no mention of
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